Spectacle case only, no matching glasses. He actually used it to store cufflinks. The optician is H.W. Freeman of Sidcup. According to Collett Opticians website "In 1897 Mr HW Freeman, a jeweller/optician set up a business at 103 Main Road, Sidcup. James Collett purchased the practice in 1942". http://www.collettopticians.co.uk/history.html
Collett is still at this address.
Pince-nez with case from Hudson Howard, 3 Bridge Street, Walsall. A Google search reveals that Hudson Howard subsequently became part of Dolland & Aitchison. That company now has two stores in Walsall, but neither is in Bridge Street. Further Google searches for this address link it to Formal Affair, a wedding hire business http://www.thelocalweb.net/index/VSP/tlw_47031.htm
Goldliner Bookmakers http://www.finder.co.uk/walsall/Bookmakers
Golden Sun TCM Ltd (restaurant) http://www.bview.co.uk/listing/2325491/Golden-Sun-TCM-Ltd-in-WS1
Google does not currently have a Streetview for this area, so I cannot verify these details short of actually going there.
So I cannot date these precisely. Nor do I know of any family connection with Walsall.