William Kilby Bailey's First World War medals. From left to right we have:
1. The Military Medal. The inscription around the edge is 40734 PTE W K BAILEY 47.WORC.R
I presume this is an abbreviation for 47th Division, Worcester Regiment.
2. British War Medal
3. Victory Medal
The inscription for these two:
25174 PTE W K BAILEY S.STAFF.R which I presume is an abbreviation for South Staffordshire Regiment.
It is interesting to note that, as well as changing regiments, his service number has also changed.
Since he did not hold the 1914 or 1914-15 Star, his military service during WWI did not begin until 1916 or later.
For more about these medals see http://www.stephen-stratford.co.uk/wwi_medals.htm