Friday, November 28, 2008

Your blogger at a very early age

This must be one of the earliest pictures of me, probably taken around August 1952 in the front room at Basildon Road. The sofa is a Lloyd Loom. What looks like wicker is actually made up of twisted strands of Kraft paper. We had a few other pieces of Lloyd Loom furniture, but none have survived. For more about this type of furniture - which is still in production - see the website

1 comment:

  1. Hey Phil

    Noticed the magic words "Lloyd Loom" next to the picture of you and your Mum.

    My Dad was the Paintshop Foreman at W.Lusty + Sons which manufactured furniture under the name Lloyd Loom at their works in Bromley by Bow.

    You're right - the basic material is paper wrapped round wire and then woven into the various items which were almost universal when "we were a lad".

    My Dad was made redundant when they went bust in the mid sixties. Various resurrections/demises via administrators and liquidators have followed but the furniture is being made again in Biff's area. The sort of double "sofa" you and your Mum were on would set you back a couple of grand now!
