Sunday, March 23, 2008

Memo from Frank Tyler & Co Ltd

The memo is dated August 20, 1945. If I am right, it reads:

"Dear Mrs Mackie, Very many thanks for all the trouble you have taken in getting and sending me the names and addresses of the legatees. I shall forward this to the solicitors who will be writing to them in due course. Mrs Cast will be pleased to see you if at any time you are in our neighbourhood again. With kind regards & many thanks, I remain, yours sincerely, J. Cast"

This might seem an odd sort of letter to be getting from a furniture dealer, but at the bottom of their letterhead it states "valuations for probate and insurance" so it looks as if they are dealing with someone's estate. But at the moment I have no record of any deaths in the family at about this time. I presume the Mrs Mackie addressed is Ada.


  1. I too have a receipt from this company but it has always confused me. The receipt is for an Art Deco bedroom suite that I purchased a couple of years ago. It is a truly beautiful suite, very stylish and this receipt was with it as the original but it quoted the price as over £500 in 1949! A lot of money for those times, I can add a copy of the receipt and the suite if anyone is interested

  2. Sorry for the delay in responding. Somehow or other I had omitted to set up for e-mail notices to be sent to me when anyone posts a comment. Yes I would be very interested to see the receipt and suite. As you say, the price of £500 sounds a bit OTT for the times. Please e-mail any pictures to me at
