Monday, March 24, 2008

Trench Art (1)

The design reads "Greetings from the Trenches". This embroidered postcard is an example of trench art, a term applied to a wide variety of objects made during or after WWI, either commercially or by soldiers themselves to pass the time. There are a number of websites that will tell you more about this subject, but has this to say about cards such as this one. "Civilians in France, in the zones occupied by troops, were quick to exploit this new market. Embroidered postcards were produced in what quickly became a cottage industry, with civilians buying the surrounds and embroidering the panel of gauze. These postcards often had regimental crests or patriotic flags and national symbols in abundance, and millions were produced over the course of the war."
This particular card carries no inscription on the back, but see the next two examples.

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